Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Meet Socks

Last week I finally decided it was time for a new kitty addition to my little family. I've held off getting a new kitty because I wasn't sure I or Snow were ready for another member of the fam. So I just avoided pet stores or Walmart parking lots on Saturday morning so that I didn't have to see any kittens. But, then I just HAD to go in PetsMart Monday. This little face is what did me in! When Fats was alive it was easy to say NO to more kittens because I had two and I was happy with two. But now that she is gone there's just room to love another one! I'll never REPLACE Fats, she was just too special, but an addition is, so far, nice.

She was SO playful too. She reached out and would grab at me wanting to play. Some of the others did that too. I have to just not think about them because it hurts my heart. But there was something super cute about her.

I put my application to adopt her and had to wait. That was hard because I really wanted her badly. They called me yesterday afternoon to let me know that I could get her or any other kitten. But I had already fallen for this one! She got to get out of her cage while I did the paperwork on her. She chased flies and hissed at the other cats.

After we got home and made our first introductions to Snow she explored the house a little bit. She found the treat/food draw RIGHT away!

Snow and her didn't get along really at all. Snow didn't really know what to think about this THING being in her house. But after a while and a few knock down drag outs she started to be more interested in the kitten than wanting to eat it! The kitten however really isn't sure about Snow. Any time she gets too close she hisses which normally sets Snow off too. I think after a week or so they will be best buds...least I hope!





Finally she got all played out. Took a 3 minute kitty nap and then went back to bouncing off the walls!


fourkidsmom said...

Can't wait to meet socks. She looks really sweet. BTW, also looked at your tshirt website. Hope you get feedback and orders from it. Looks Great. you might try the local school. Send out flyers or something just to get people to look at the website.

OUfan1977 said...

Socks looks like loads of fun! I can't wait to meet her.